- Lab In charge : Ms. Tejaswini B. Mate
The objectives of Power System laboratory is to :
1. Evaluate parameters such as operating time, contact resistance, and insulation integrity to ensure reliable operation during fault conditions.
2. Investigate the effectiveness of overcurrent protection schemes using overcurrent relays.
3. Utilize the AC high voltage unit to conduct high voltage testing on insulation materials and components.
4. Analyze transmission line simulation models to study the behavior of electrical power transmission systems.
5. Utilize the switchgear test kit in conjunction with transmission line simulation to diagnose and rectify faults in power systems.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | Switch geaer testing kit |
2 | Switch geaer testModel of air circuit breaker |
3 | Over current relay |
4 | A.C. high voltage unit o/p-0.5 KVA |
5 | Transmission line simulation |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 3,40,840 /-
- Lab In charge : Ms. Shital T. Gaikhe
The objectives of AC Machine laboratory is to :
1. Identify the different parts, understanding connections for different types of starters for AC Machines.
2. Performance analysis of AC machines to check the characteristics using different load tests.
3. Knowing different types of speed control techniques of AC Machines.
4. Understanding starting, running, and direction reversal of AC motors.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | Star-Delta Semi Automatic 10HP |
2 | A.C Slip Ring I.M. 3HP,415 V |
3 | AC I.M. 1HP Dismantle Kit |
4 | M-G Set 5HP,415V I.M.Coupled 3KW 230V D.C Shunt Gen. |
5 | M-G Set 5HP,415V I.M.Coupled 3KW 230V D.C Series Gen. |
6 | Energy Meter 1Ph, 5-10A |
7 | Energy Meter 3Ph, 10A |
8 | Rotor Resitance Starter 3HP Slip Ring Motor |
9 | Variac 3PH 20A Enclosed On Wheel |
10 | AC Altenatore 3Ph. 50Hz 440V,3KVA Mechanically coupled D.C Shunt Motor 3HP |
11 | AC Series Motor 1Ph 1HP 240V 50Hz |
12 | AC Squirel CageI.M. 3Ph 3HP 1440RPM |
13 | M-G Set 5HP 415V I.M. Coupled D.C Compound Gen. |
14 | A.C 1Ph I.M. 0.5HP 240V 50Hz+ |
15 | Stroboscope |
16 | KVA Meter Portable 0-10KVA 500V |
17 | KVAR Meter Portable 0-10 KVAR |
18 | Wattmeter 0-5Kw |
19 | Wattmeter 3phase 3 watt 0-10KW |
20 | Voltmeter 0-300,300-600 |
21 | Voltmeter 0-150,150-300 |
22 | Frequency Meter 240V,45-50Hz |
23 | Ammeter 0-5-10A AC |
24 | Phase Sequence Indicator |
25 | Rheostate 800 Ohm 0.6A |
26 | Rheostate 1200 Ohm 0.6A |
27 | Rheostate 1700 Ohm 0.6A |
28 | Rheostate 850 Ohm 1.5A |
29 | Rheostate 300 Ohm 1.5 A |
30 | Rheostate 142 Ohm 2.6 A |
31 | Rheostate 25 Ohm 10A |
32 | DOL Starter 5 HP 450V 3Ph |
33 | Synchronous Motor 3HP with Control Panel |
34 | Break Arragement for 1Ph. AC Motor with exciter/ starter |
35 | 2KVA 1Ph. Transformer 230/115 V |
36 | 2KVA 3Ph Transformer 415/240V |
37 | Frequency Meter |
38 | Synchronising Panel with one synchroscope, 2 Fr. Meter & 2 Voltmeter |
39 | 63A Bus Bar Chember |
40 | AC Ammeter 0-500-1A |
41 | AC Ammerte 0-1A |
42 | AC Ammeter 0-5-10A |
43 | AC Ammeter 0-10-20A |
44 | AC Voltmeter 0-50V |
45 | AC Voltmeter 0-150-300V |
46 | AC Voltmeter 0-150-300-600V |
47 | Wattmeter 2.5-5A,250-500V |
48 | Wattmwter 250/500,10-20A |
49 | Wattmeter 5-10A,250V |
50 | Step Down Transformer 230/115 50Hz |
51 | Analog Multimeter |
52 | Techometer |
53 | AC Ammeter 0-1-2A |
54 | AC Ammeter 0-5-10A |
55 | Wattmeter 150-300-600V |
56 | Wattmeter 150-300-600V 5-10A |
57 | H.V.Tester |
58 | 3KVA Step Down Transformer 1Ph.220/110V |
59 | 2KVA Step Down Transformer 1Ph.220/110V |
60 | Variac I/P= 230V O/P= 270V 10A |
61 | Transformer 220/110V 3KVA 3 Ph. |
62 | Transformer 220/110V 2.5KVA 1Ph. |
63 | Transformer 220/110V 3KVA 3 Ph. |
64 | Synchronous Motor 3HP |
65 | Motore Alternatoter Set 3.5KW 3KVA |
66 | AC Series Motoe 240V 1HP |
67 | Squirell cage I.M. 3HP |
68 | Variac Inductore 0.3H |
69 | Synchronous Motor panel |
70 | Rehostate 95 Ohm 2.5A |
71 | Rehostate 300 ohm 1.5A |
72 | Rehostate 220 Ohm 1A |
73 | Rehostate 56 Ohm 3A |
74 | Auto Transformer 15KVA 3HP |
75 | Digital Clam Meter |
76 | Contact type Techometer |
77 | Oil Testing Kit |
78 | Measure the Earth Resistance by Earth Tester. |
79 | Earth Tester |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 6,86,111 /-
- Lab In charge : Mr. Kishor E. Doke
The objectives of DC Machine laboratory is to :
1. To expose the students to the operation of DC machines, transformers and give them experimental skills.
2. Analyze the characteristics of DC machines and transformers.
3. Perform tests on DC Machines and transformer and evaluate their performance.
4. Study characteristics of different types of DC machines.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | M I voltmeter (0-300 V) |
2 | Dimmersat 230 V,4A |
3 | Dimmersat 230 V,5A |
4 | Rehostate 500 Ohm, 0.5 A |
5 | Rehostate 500 Ohm, 1.8 A |
6 | Transformer 230/90 |
7 | Transformer 230/12, 5A |
8 | Wattmeter 150/300/600V, 2.5-5A |
9 | Ammeter 500mA/1A |
10 | MI Voltmeter 250/500 V |
11 | Digital Techometer contact type |
12 | Digital Techometer non- contect Type |
13 | D.C.Shunt Motor with brake load 3HP 230V 1500Rpm |
14 | DOL Starter 5 HP 450V |
15 | Star-Delta Semi Automatic 10HP |
16 | DC series motor with mechnanical load |
17 | Rectifire Set I/P-440 V 3Ph 50Hz, O/P= 0-250V |
18 | DC Ammeter 0-2.5-5A |
19 | Frequency Meter |
20 | DC Ammeter 0-10-20A |
21 | DC Shunt Motor 5HP 230V Coupled Shunt Gen. 5HP |
22 | DC Shunt Motor 5HP,1500Rpm Coupled Compound Gen. 3KW 230V |
23 | DC Ammeter 0-500mA-1A |
24 | DC Ammeter 0-10-20A |
25 | AC Ammeter 0-500-1A |
26 | DC Voltmeter 0-60V |
27 | DC Voltmeter 0-150-300 V |
28 | Wattmeter 2.5-5A,250-500V |
29 | Wattmwter 250/500,10-20A |
30 | Wattmeter 5-10A,250V |
31 | Hopkinsentest DC M-G Set 3KW |
32 | Rectifire I/p= 3Ph 415V AC O/P= 240V DC |
33 | DC Compound Gen. 3KW 220V |
34 | DC Shunt Motor with Brek Load 3HP |
35 | DC Shunt Motor 3HP 220V |
36 | DC Shunt Motor Gen. set M-2HP G-5KW |
37 | DC Motor Gen. set M-2HP G-2KW |
38 | DC Series Motor with pully 3HP |
39 | Rehostate 95 Ohm 2.5A |
40 | Rehostate 300 ohm 1.5A |
41 | Rehostate 220 Ohm 1A |
42 | Rehostate 56 Ohm 3A |
43 | PMDC Motor |
44 | LCR Meter |
45 | Power Transistor Kit |
46 | DIAC Characteristic Kit |
47 | IGBT Characteristic Kit |
48 | Speed Control Of DC Motor using Semiconvertor |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 3,93,644 /-
- Lab In charge : Ms. Ankita A. Nandanwar
The objectives of Electronics laboratory is to :
1. Identify electronic components in electronic circuits
2. Use of diode in different applications
3. Interpret the working of junction transistors in electronic circuits
4. Interpret the working of unipolar devices in electronic circuits
5. Understand the use of different transducers and sensors
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | JFET as amplifier |
2 | Voltage series and Voltage shunt -ve vtg regulator |
3 | Current series and current shunt -ve feedback amplifier |
4 | colpitt oscillator |
5 | phase shift oscillator |
6 | RC diffrentiating and integrating circuit |
7 | Diode with and without biased clippper |
8 | Diode with and without biased clamper circuit |
9 | Astable multivibrator using transistor |
10 | Monostable mulivibrator using transistor |
11 | Bistable multivibrator using transistor |
12 | UJT as relaxation oscillator |
13 | Transistor characteristics in CE mode |
14 | Transistor characteristics in CB mode |
15 | Semiconductor diode characteristics |
16 | Zener diode characteristics |
17 | Half wave rectifier with and without filter |
18 | Centre tap full wave rectifier w/o filter |
19 | Bridge type FWR with and without filter |
20 | FET chgaracteristics |
21 | UJT Charactristics |
22 | BJT series voltage regulator |
23 | Zener diode as shunt voltage regulator |
24 | Single stage CE amplifier |
25 | Two stage RC coupled amplifier transistor |
26 | SCR charactristics |
27 | 1ph full wave half controlled rectified SCR |
28 | SCR step down chopper |
29 | SCR series inverter |
30 | Automatic Battery charger with 12volt battery |
31 | BJT shunt voltage regulator |
32 | Oscilloscope 30MHz |
33 | 2 MHz function generator |
34 | SCR Characteristics |
35 | SCR Full Wave-Full Controlled Rectifier with Resistive & Inductive Load |
36 | SCR Series Inverter |
37 | SCR Step Down Chopper |
38 | Automatic Battery Charger with 12V Battery |
39 | Development Board Make Micro.Embedded |
40 | LED Interface Kit |
41 | 7 Segment Display Interface |
42 | LCD & Keypad Interface |
43 | Stepper Motor Interface |
44 | Three Phase Full wave rectifire with Resistive Load,Inductive load with & without Frewheeling diode. |
45 | Speed controlled of DC Series motor Using phase control. |
46 | Speed controlled of Three phase Induction Motor using PWM Inverter. |
47 | Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction for Statically & Dynamically Induced EMF. |
48 | 8051 Universal devlopment Platform |
49 | Motor Drive Module |
50 | Display and Switches |
51 | NAND & NOR as Universal Gates |
52 | Demorgan's Theorem |
53 | Half & Full Adder |
54 | Half & Full Substractor |
55 | Char. Of Power Transistor |
56 | IGBT Characteristics |
57 | DIAC Characteristics |
58 | SCR Gate Triggering (Turn -On Methods) |
59 | SCR Force Commutation (Turn -Off Methods) |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 3,81,950 /-
- Lab In charge : Mr. Pankaj J. Shinde
The objectives of Measurement laboratory is to :
1. Identify different electrical measuring instruments
2. Study different types of measuring instruments and components used in it.
3. Study different types of measuring techniques for multiple electrical parameters.
4. Learning electrical measurement using digital instruments.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | MC AM (ME) (0-500 mA/1A) portable |
2 | MC AM (ME) (0-500 mA/1A) portable |
3 | RL series circuit kit |
4 | Ohms law kit |
5 | Series resistor kit |
6 | Parallel resistor kit |
7 | KVL & KCL panel |
8 | Parallel resonance kit |
9 | Series & parallel resonance kit |
10 | Capacitor charging/ discharging kit |
11 | Thevenins theorem kit |
12 | Nortons kit |
13 | Maximum power transfer theorem kit |
14 | Wheatstone kit |
15 | Maxwells bridge kit |
16 | Schering bridge kit |
17 | Series and parallel resonance kit (SE 603 A) |
18 | Superposition theorem kit AC & DC (SE- 610A) |
19 | Thevenins theorem for AC & DC voltage (SE- 608A) |
20 | Nortons theorem for AC DC voltage |
21 | Maximum power transfer theorem AC DC (SE- 612A) |
22 | Kirchoffs law AC & DC voltage (SE- 601A) |
23 | Temperature measurement using RTD (SE 1003) |
24 | Characteristics of potentio meter and its loading effect (SE 1030) |
25 | Signal generator 1MHz (function generator) |
26 | Op amp IC 741 as adder and average (SA 505) |
27 | Op amp IC 741 as Substractor (5A 506) |
28 | IC 741 as differential circuit (SE 514) |
29 | IC 741 as integrating circuit (SE 515) |
30 | Op amp as V to I convertor SE 507 |
31 | IC 741 as freq. to Vtg. Convertor (AC 518) |
32 | Kelvins double bridge SE 614 |
33 | IC 741 as active low pass (butter ware) |
34 | IC 741 as active high pass filter |
35 | A to D converter |
36 | D to A convertor |
37 | Digital frequency meter 0-14 ph |
38 | Display board of swithes |
39 | LCR meter |
40 | 30 MHz oscilloscope, 2 trace with component tester (Sr. No. 73011160097) |
41 | 20 MHz oscilloscope (Sr. No. 8085538) |
42 | Measurement of strain using string guage |
43 | Op amp as I toV convertor |
44 | RC series circuit |
45 | Tachometer non contact type 100000 rpm (make: LUTRON D.T. 2234 B) |
46 | Display board of different fixed resistence and colour coding |
47 | Display board of fixed and varable capacitor |
48 | Display board of diodes |
49 | Displacement measurement using LVDT kit |
50 | Force measurement using Strain gauge kit |
51 | Temperature measurement using RTD (PT 100) & Thermocouple |
52 | Use a level measuring transducer to measure level & Output voltage--Liquid level measurement using capacitance probes |
53 | Study of LDR/Photo Diode & Photo Transistor |
54 | Pressure measurement using Diaphragm type pressure gauge |
55 | Comparator & Schmitt Trigger kit using OPAMP |
56 | Lux Meter |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 3,29,589 /-
- Lab In charge : Ms. Vinita A. Avhad
The objectives of Electrical Workshop laboratory is to :
1. To study electrical safety work practices.
2. Introduction of tools, electrical materials, symbols and abbreviations.
3. To study house wiring i.e, batten, cleat, casing-capping and conduit wirings, staircase wiring.
4. To study different types of joints with different types of conductors.
5. To study different types of switches and protecting devices in electrical circuits.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | Tube Light |
2 | Types of Cable |
3 | Flood Light Holder |
4 | Insulator |
5 | Fridge |
6 | Transmission Line Cable |
7 | Oven |
8 | Press |
9 | Mixer |
10 | Microwave Oven |
11 | Drill Machine |
12 | Soldergun |
13 | Cable |
14 | Immerssion Water Heater |
15 | Washing Machine |
16 | Air Cooler |
17 | Halogen lamp |
18 | Vaccume Cleaner |
19 | ELCB 63A |
20 | Godown Wiring Model |
21 | Project Model |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 1,53,490 /-
- Lab In charge : Ms. Varsha R. Jadhav
The objectives of Computer laboratory is to :
1. Learns basic programming languages.
2. Gain hands-on CAD software for electrical design.
3. Develop industry-relevant skills for efficient circuit design and drafting.
4. Explore integration with emerging technologies like IoT, enhancing career prospects in research, development, and project management.
Sr.No. | Name of Machine/Equipment |
1 | PC HP-DX 2480/2480/2.0 GHZ/1GB DDR2/160GB HDD/17 |
2 | Acer M200/G4520/1GB DDR2/HDD |
3 | True View Digital Interactive Board Display |
Total Cost of Lab Equipment Rs. - 3,19,500 /-
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